Saturday, June 22, 2013

OH NO! week one, I spoke too soon!

So the end of week 1 started well on Saturday morning.  But about noon, it all came to a screeching halt.  During a drill, where I was upside down in the water next to a teammate, I was kicked in the head. 

Unfortunately, this kick was pretty bad.  It got me right on my temple, across to my nose.  I came up out of the water all dizzy.  My coach had me get out and ice my head, but when she checked on me a few minutes later, I was out cold.  They were not sure if I passed out, or fell asleep.  But either way, they wanted me checked out.

So off I went to Riverside Urgent Care.  My vitals were good, but I "got" to do a CT scan too.

The scan results came back that night, normal, and I was cleared to swim again.  So after getting the afternoon off, and Sunday morning too, it was right back to intense training. 

I am grateful for the many thoughts and prayers in my behalf this weekend.  I definitely felt uplifted because of them.  I am also grateful for the blessing given to me.  I know it gave me strength and comfort.

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