Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 2

It was quite hard to get back into things after my little accident last week, but I did it and am back into the full swing of things! This week was a tough one. Lots of new work outs and new sets, but I managed to get through it!

We had Wednesday off and so we all slept in and just hung out with each other. Later on in the day we went shopping to get some of the things we needed or forgot to bring.

It was so nice to get out of the house and go to somewhere that wasn't a pool! I had a great day just relaxing and getting I know the other swimmers better.

My club team from AZ are here in Riverside right now for their biggest competition, NATIONALS. It was so good to see them and my coaches. I wish them good luck as they finish up such a great season! I get the opportunity to go watch 11-12 finals this afternoon and cheer on 4 of my cousins who are swimming team, duets, and trios. I am excited!

 I am so so so thankful for all the sweet thoughts and prayers from people back at home and all over the country. There is no way I'd be here if it wasn't for the love and support shown unto me.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

OH NO! week one, I spoke too soon!

So the end of week 1 started well on Saturday morning.  But about noon, it all came to a screeching halt.  During a drill, where I was upside down in the water next to a teammate, I was kicked in the head. 

Unfortunately, this kick was pretty bad.  It got me right on my temple, across to my nose.  I came up out of the water all dizzy.  My coach had me get out and ice my head, but when she checked on me a few minutes later, I was out cold.  They were not sure if I passed out, or fell asleep.  But either way, they wanted me checked out.

So off I went to Riverside Urgent Care.  My vitals were good, but I "got" to do a CT scan too.

The scan results came back that night, normal, and I was cleared to swim again.  So after getting the afternoon off, and Sunday morning too, it was right back to intense training. 

I am grateful for the many thoughts and prayers in my behalf this weekend.  I definitely felt uplifted because of them.  I am also grateful for the blessing given to me.  I know it gave me strength and comfort.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Week one

First, let me say how grateful I am to each and every one of you that has helped make it possible for me to be here. Thank you for your love and support!!

Dang. This week has been crazy. CRAZY. I arrived in Riverside on Sunday evening, and we got right to work Monday morning.  We work out 10 hours daily, with a 1 hour lunch break. 7-9 land work out, 9-9:30 speed work out. 9:30-1 drills, 1-2 lunch, 2-5 more work. Our training this week included land workouts in the morning (running and conditioning), and working on drills. We also worked on flexibility/stretching.
We had Friday off, well we only were in the pool 2 hours. I am having a great time and am really enjoying getting to know all the other swimmers better. We girls have fun together.
Even though I am so so so sore and tired, it is so worth it. It'll be worth it when we are standing on the podium in Puerto Rico.