Monday, July 15, 2013

Week 3 and 4

This week has been great.  I got to spend some time with my home team and watch them swim at the National meet.  They did great and I am really proud of all their hard work.
Some of my team from home

My mom was able to come over and be the team mom/chaperone for 8 days.  We girls kept her busy with concussions, doctor appointments, physical therapy appointments, and a bout of the stomach flu that hit 4 girls. I even hurt my wrist -- bruised my scaphoid bone in my hand.  I have to go easy on it on the land for about 10 days, but I can swim fine.  It feels much better now.

It was fun to spend time with my mom, and have her see all the great training that we are getting. She even spent one evening doing pedicures for us, and took us shopping at the huge mall on our day off.
We had the 4th of July off, so the team all got to go down to Newport, and spend the day at the beach.  We went to Rockin' Baja Lobster for lunch-- yum!!  we came home to Riverside for the big firework show, but most of us ended up falling asleep before the show, so we skipped it.  These coaches are working us HARD!  Sleep is precious!

Bela and me at Newport Beach

Kaylee, Karenza, Bela, Sandra, Monica, Claire, Coach Heia-Yoon
Ellie, Shiree, Rachel, Katie, Anita
not pictured: Gillian and Karena


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