Monday, August 12, 2013

Week 7-8 ( sure wish mom would update more often)

last sunset in Riverside
Goodbye California....Home!! I am coming home!!

This week was our last in Riverside, California.  The Riverside Community College pool has been one of my homes away from home, in addition to The Cottages at CBU.

We have worked really hard on flexibility, strength and conditioning this summer.  I feel like I have improved a lot. Strength and conditioning has been pretty hectic, but we know that it will make us stronger swimmers. We took team pictures this week too.
Junior and 13-15 teams in California
We had trials for the Senior Training Squad this week.  Members of this team have to permanently relocate to Santa Clara, California for training in the first part of September.

I got to come home on Friday, August 2nd, for the weekend.  I was excited, but my afternoon flight was delayed 3 times, so I was disappointed too.  Luckily, I finally made it home. Too bad my luggage caught a later flight.  I was super glad to see my family, and spend the weekend with them.  I also got to spend some time with good friends. 

 But before I knew it, it was time to head to Florida.
It was hard to leave again knowing that I wouldn't see them for a while. I have missed being home and being with my family.

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